Our name says it all! Panarottis is authentically Italian! With our delicious pizza and pasta options and our generous and welcoming atmosphere, we have something for everyone!

The Panarottis Promise

P assionate about preparing great food
A bundantly generous
N atural ingredients with distinctive flavours to indulge in
A lways an extraordinary eating experience
R ich in warmth and friendliness
O riginal recipes with oodles of taste
T oppings that are tantalising
T errific service
I ncredibly decadent desserts
S haring good times and delicious food

Since the first store opened in 1989 in Cape Town, South Africa Panarottis has grown into a major franchising success story with 54 restaurants nationally and 9 abroad offering customers a modern Italian dining experience and mouth-watering food. A slice of Panarottis pizza can now be enjoyed as far afield as Mauritius, Australia and Namibia. With the continuing success of the franchise in these countries, there is no limit to how big this pizza base could grow!